A group blog for working on UnRuly Quilting projects and most especially UnRuly Letters. What is UnRuly? Liberated, wonky, improvisational, mis-matched, points cut off FUN.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

New try

Well I think these are a little easier to read :0)

 I tried to put a bug in and the corner of the letter B is supposed to have spider legs but they are so small I don't know if it can be seen.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Word Wall Hanging

I made this to hang in the bathroom at my church!

Carol E.

mystery humbug?

Well I thought these would look great but now I'm not too sure......it maybe too hard to read.
What do you think?

I think I'll have another go at it :0).  Happy Sewing, Kim

Bah Humbug So Far

Hi, guys

Tonya here. How's it all going? Still having fun with your letters? I've gotten some wonderful Bah Humbug! blocks. These are from Nancy R, Cheryl W, Mary K, Kristin S, and Ann C.

Isn't it fun to see them together? The bah and hum at the bottom were Mary's protoypes and I begged her to send them as well. They may not end up in the final quilt.


Monday, January 24, 2011


I put together my "Latin" Humbug and it didn't turn out much different from when it was up on the wall.

Along with the Scarab looking humbug, this is ready to go in the mail to Tonya.

Tonya, the last address I have for you is Paris. Where would you like two humbug blocks sent?

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Happy Funday!

So I got Tonya's book....love it....I've already found several good ideas. I love seeing my block on the cover and my name inside....so I am going to make words 2dy. Maybe a picture later this week if my camera cooperates. Have a great day!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Playing with Words!

 Hi Everyone...here are my trial layouts of the letters for my first word quilt. What do you think?
(yes, my design wall is a white sheet on my bed...working with what I have! Excuse the wrinkles. Cheers!!)

The bird fabric is my choice for a border....unfortunately I have to find more....

Happy day everyone!!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Flimsy Underway

The first four rows have been stitched together
for Lynne's orphan letter quilt!

Come on over to my blog to see more photos 
of the UnRuly work in progress!


Thursday, January 20, 2011

My Contribution

Well, after a few fits and starts and a nasty sinus infection laying me low for awhile, I was finally able to get back to this.

It's fun to see how some of us think along the same lines. I initially thought music for the hum portion -- I just don't happen to have any music in my stash. And, of course, in our VW loving house, when you say bug, it's just assumed you meant as in VW. 


I've been hoarding what little bit I have left of this bah! humbug fabric that I used in the exclamation point. Unfortunately it took me the better part of a week to find that safe place that I had stored it. Who would have guessed that place would be in a box, buried under a foot high pile of other fabric!

Final measurements 22" x 18" 

Thanks for letting me play along Tonya. 

LizA. -- in soggy Seattle, WA

Christmas bug!

Here's my Christmas bug! I think she is kinda cute although I intended for her to look like an exclamation point and I am not sure she does. What do you all think?

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Bah done... onto Bug!

Hi everyone, I am Jennifer Dessert (pronounced like Desert).
This is my first post but not my first time participating in one of Tonya's fabulous challenges.I was lucky enough to be a part of "Cake" and I have made a few Unruly projects since then. Last night I decided it was time to jump in and attempt a Bah Humbug! Block. My first sketches are so bad I am too embarrassed to show you and boy... I sure had lofty ideas. It 'aint easy makin' bugs! I started with four fabrics, a bright red solid, limey green solid,a red calico and a dark green with light green dots.

My intention was to make the "h" have a buggy head but after making the Capital "B" I was too chicken to try. I may try again tonight on Humbug. I guess I have never made a capital B before...well I have now.

Not too shabby I think. Not too wonky either...hmmm. I need to learn to get "wonky wit it"! My block is 8 1/2"x 12 1/2", bigger than I wanted so I plan to make the Humbug smaller. A personal challenge ;0)
This morning I have this on my ironing board...
Can I do it? I think I can...I think I can. If not I can certainly try, try again! Have a UnRuly day!

One thing leads to another

I am an old fan of Tonya's and even participated in one of her first Wonky Word Online classes. When she posed the challenge of making a humbug I really had to try.

It looks sort of mechanical which I was not trying for but that's as close to a bug as I could get. The Hum part is hidden on the back (for those of you who can't see it.) The legs were a real bear to do! Tonya, next time put out a worm challenge! No more legs!

And since I like making letters rather than figures I made another attempt to join the Humbug group with this... But it looks boring by itself so I tried ANOTHER bug.

See how one thing leads to another? I was NOT going to make a bug again but I started and now I've got a bug that's unhappy... But I don't think he looks like a bug. Tell me... Do I really have to put a body and six more legs on him? Or maybe Tonya will do an Martian quilt someday and she can use him there... I'm still thinking about this. Will post again when I get the letters all put together.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Gettin' Wordy!!

Hi everyone...I am soo excited to be a part of this group and love, love seeing all the cool letters! I am working on my first letters/words and am having fun.  My friend is turning 40 soon so I am ambitiously making a lap size quilt for her milestone B-day (I am a crazy woman to think I can even get it done but it's what I do and who I am!).

I have choosen to use a white background with bright letters. I enjoy the contrast of bright colors against white, it feels very crisp and fun. I have a few words done...I think I will add one more, "Laugh" in orange. My plan is to also add some wonky stars like Victoria made on her site Bumble Beans and  two house blocks resembling our homes. The interesting thing is my house is purple with white trim and my friends house is white with purple trim so I'm going to make them with the opposite fabrics...hope it works out! 

I'd love some feedback on my letters....do my R's look too funny? The capital R is a little short and the lowercase one in Grow seems too small. Not sure if I should re-do them or not. Also, if anyone has thoughts on a cool layout I would love that too! My inital thinking is wonky starts going across the top, words in the middle(but how?) and houses at the bottom. I have a fabulous bird fabric I bought to use on it too....I may not want to give this quilt up! Ok...I'll just have to make another one for me!!

Happy sewing and thanks for sharing all of your fabulous projects!

Sorry, the wrinkly sheet doesn't really help!
R too short ?

Little r in Grow...too little?
I made the L long so I could cut it down if needed.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Blue Bug

I have added a bug to Bah! Humbug! The idea was to have it look like one of the bugs on my bug fabric but it ended up looking like a six legged spider. Good thing realism is not something we unruly quilters strive for.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

I can't help but wonder

Okay no cool picture, sorry!
But I can't help but wonder what we could come up with if we
were all together brain storming this challenge....and all that I
could learn from you creative ladies. This quilt is gonna be so amazing Tonya!

Happy Sewing,

Bah ! from Heidi

Hi, I'm Heidi and I think I played along with nearly every challenge Tonya made and so I'm here again, too.

When Tonya called for bugs I wasn't quite sure, if I had fabric with bugs in my stash, but finally all those year when I forced myself to buy fabric <g> paid off... I had bugs patiently waiting to be used.

So I could use them for my block. Although I must say I'm a little bit intimitaded by all the talent and great ideas here and all I've made is a simple 'bah'. But maybe it is useful as a filler .

Tonya, I'm not quite sure, if yellow as background colour is ok, if not, please tell me. 


Saturday, January 15, 2011


Here it is.  Hope you will be able to do something with it, Tonya.  

Were your ears burning today Tonya? They certainly should have been! I decided to have another go at Humbug, and following your suggestion decided to have the green as the background. The only trouble was that in your directions lots of your letters are shown green with paler backgrounds; so of course I kept making them back to front. Grr! Eventually I drew in the book (huge intake of breath) and labelled ghe drawings. Anyway, here's the finished object, complete with spider. Any good? I shall quite understand if it's not. And it's quite big, about 20 x 10; I don't do small letters yet!


Whoever said, "it's a dog eat dog world..." not in blogland...it's a........

It's a BUG eat BUG world :)!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Me, Again

I played with my Hum-Alien and decided it'll turn into this. Hopefully I'll get it done in plenty of time for next Christmas. With me, you never know!

Carol E.

This is My Bah!

Well, I posted my Hum-Alien and then decided to keep him. Sorry, Tonya, but I also decided that the fabric for my letters was too busy (I read about this in your book and decided you are right and my first choice wasn't so great). So I made a Bah! and am going to send just that. (It is 12" by 8.5") This fabric contrast is better. Tonya, I will need your mailing address, please. Thanks. Carol E.

Bugged Out!

Hey everyone! This isn't my first time making letters (I knew Tonya when) but it is my first ever blog post. Kind of nervous! I decided not to do Bah, as too much of a good thing, unless maybe I do it plain. We'll see. This was fun, but I probably used my seam ripper a bit more than our Guru would approve. Not a lot of room for error when you're trying to make something look like both a bug and a recognizable letter. Anyway, here it is, finishing to 8" x 22".

Mine, So Far

I made a bug that looks more like an alien, but I love him. In fact, Tonya, I have not decided if I'm going to send him to you or keep him for me. We'll see what else I create in my play time. -- Carol E.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

My, what but big teeth you have little ladybugs!

Hope this will work, felt inspired to CELEBRATE the mighty chompers of a sweet little ladybug farm.....

Feeling Blue

I've just finished my first attempt at making letters, following the instructions from Tonya's new book. I'm reasonably happy with the letters themselves, but not with all of my fabric choices, Some of the contrast is too low, so the letters don't show up too well. And I've just spotted that I've put one of the borders on the wrong way round. Drat! But they were fun to make.
So, now I'm off to attempt a Bah! Humbug! and see what happens.

I'm Done

Despite the problem with Hummmm, I've really enjoyed this challenge.  At long last, I'm beginning to feel happy with my letters.  It's only taken about goodness know's how many years!  I'm finding it easier to contrast fabric and have taught myself to be patient and not jump in so fast I end up making a complete mess of it.

Thank's Ton.  It's been fun! I may try to make another Hum if I have time in between the red and white blocks.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

hummin' along

I do not have any buggie fabric in my stash.  None at all. 
My prototypes are just plain ole red and green. 
Maybe the snow will melt soon and I will go in search of buggie fabrics.  
Meanwhile back at the ranch, I'm hummin along, singing a song, side by side.

The sun did shine long enough for this photo op.
I am thinking that it looks even more beetle-ish.
(squint your eyes and you'll see what I mean) 

Love BUG?

Thank you to Tonya for inviting me to play along.I know this post is not about Bah Humbug yet.I am working on my letters.I just had to share my project I started before Christmas.For some reason Valentines Day is my favorite holiday and I love to show how much I love others.This is my 3rd attempt at wonky letters.
I learned a few new things with a few of the letters.Note to self,keep Tonyas book beside the sewing table!!Thanks again for letting me play along and everyone's letters are fantabulous!
Have a great day,Amy

All humm'ed out

It doesn't zing as much as the first one did, but I can't do anything about it now.

I've also started the bug.  I don't own a lot of bug fabric and cut into some which I got for my little niece's quilt, so it's a bit babyish.  If this was a Halloween theme I'd be fine!

I'll get this finished off tomorrow.  I'm sooo knackered.  That second hum didn't flow as well as the first one - I tried too hard.

Don't forget the "!"

I can't even begin to tell you how excited I was to participate.
The ideas were just a spinning in my head.
I made sketches
I pulled fabric....
I cut with scissors (I didn't run with them just cut)
I trashed the floor with threads and scraps of fabric......
and....... finally as the clock struck Midnight.....
I ironed and re-size my contribution to the Bah HumBug project.
Tonya, I present my Humble attempt at an "!" Exclamation point "!"
I can't wait to see what you get to create with all the blocks.
be good cheryl

Teensy Bah

Well, here it is - a 2" (2.5" unfinished) BAH block!  I think it took me longer to make this than the big HUM.  With so many seams it's stiff as a board LOL.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

My first post on this blog is in honor of my first UNRULY letters I ever made...


When I received the invite from Tonya today to be a part of this blog, I was tickled and touched all at the same time!  I initially posted a Seuss celebration but then I thought..."I want my first post on this blog to be how I am feeling tonight.....!"


Almost seems like an oxymoron to start a "BAH HUMBUG" quilt tonight with the delight I am feeling so NO BAH but off to LA LA.................land..

Sweet dream creative friends, Em


Weapon of Mass Destruction: Bug Swatter
Final Dimension: 8"x 16" with added border patrol
Specifications: Red and Chartreuse
Objective: Elimination by Direct Force
Designer: Michele Bilyeu
Final Comments: Gulliver 1, Lilliputians 0

I tried really hard!

Tonya, you issued the 2" block challenge and I tried really really hard to do it.  My block is 4.5" finished and the letter 'A' is 7/8" tall.  I stuffed up the 'B' though so there are a gazillion seams LOL.  What do you reckon - can I go smaller still?

Too much fun!

My letters are not as fancy as some! Boy, you guys really set the bar high. I had a thought today to make a bug as in a VW bug, but just don't have the time to fool with it. As it is, I'm pleased with my letters, especially my buggy "B".

Tonya, I had a thought that perhaps you should have everyone put a sticky address label on the back of their blocks. That's how the Sisters Quilt Show keeps the block contest entries organized. It was a huge help to me when I won the blocks last year. The quilt that I made from them has the names of all the block makers on the label, only because I had them readily available.